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To Seduce a Sinner (Legend of the Four Soldiers Series #2)

To Seduce a Sinner (Legend of the Four Soldiers Series #2) - My Rating: 3.5 As soon as I finished To Taste Temptation, I was looking forward to reading To Seduce A Sinner as soon as possible. I wanted to understand Melisande; why did she think so little of herself? Who is she really? In the end, I still don't have an exact answer, but am satisfied with that anyway. When we first met Melisande in To Taste Temptation, I had a feeling that she had a strong liking towards Lord Vale, and surprisingly, in this book, it was revealed that I was right. Throughout the first few chapters of To Seduce A Sinner, I felt really sorry for Melisande. She's been watching and loving Jasper for six years and he didn't even notice her because she was plain. Hell, Melisande was close with Emeline, Jasper's childhood best friend, for many years and Jasper couldn't even remember her name! All he cared about was women with big bosoms and that's it. Ugh. There were tons of memorable scenes in To Seduce A Sinner, my favorite one being the pallet scene. Jasper was so insecure about his lifestyle after coming back from the war, thinking it made him half of a man, but the way Melisande simply accepted him for who he is made me so happy for both of them. Jasper had changed his womanizer ways, but I still think Melisande is too good for him. He's lucky to have her. The way To Seduce A Sinner introduced Alistair Munroe makes me can't wait to read his story, To Beguile A Beast, the next book in the series. I wonder what Helen, and especially her children, will think of him with all his battle scars. Alistair really deserves a happy ending. ohdamnbooks: to seduce a sinner